"Visitation for Demonstration”
Genesis 18:14 KJV [14] Is any thing too hard for the Lord ? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.
What I see is from a certain point to 2021 it was about the visitation for revelation. Just like there was a visitation for revelation in Abraham’s life, and in Sara’s life and that was the revealing of God’s plan; the revealing of how they were to fit in God’s plan. But they had years of various testing, various years of adjustment and then there came the time for visitation for demonstration. There came a time where God is now letting them know “this time when I visit you its to visit you in an appointed time so that there will be demonstration of that which I
gave you the revelation of.” And I believe that 2022 for many, 2022 for the ecclesia, represents moving and standing. Having moved from only revelation into now visitation for the demonstration. And I believe the same meaning holds in 2022 as held in the life of Abraham, that held in the life of Sara, and that held in the life of so many - Saul that became the Apostle Paul, David who eventually became the king. There was difficulty, and circumstances that made it seem like it was impossible to happen, like it was too hard to happen. But lo, the voice of the Lord would come to
remind them. Is anything too hard? Is anything too hard? That visitation came to show that in spite of the circumstances the revelation is to be a demonstration. That which is revealed is to be seen and demonstrated and I believe that its not just for this ministry, and Pastor Deana and my personal life, it’s also what God is saying to the ecclesia as we stand. And just like in Judges, Gideon had a visitation connected to demonstration, it wasn’t only connected to revelation. It was connected to demonstration, “to demonstrate that which is before you is not too hard for me.” (God).
Prior to that as we see when you look into the scriptures it talks about the evidence. In Jeremiah there was the evidence. Evidence was given and I believe it applies to whatever was your beginning, whatever was our beginning, from that point to now, something was said to deposit evidence, something was preached to deposit evidence, something was given to deposit evidence. Just as Jeremiah went forth and there was the evidence for the appointed time of demonstrating, reaping and gathering, that’s what I see for 2022 and forward.
Dr. James D. Treadwell, Jr.
“Its Time to Demonstrate the Miraculous”
Mark 4:39 KJV [39] And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
2022 will display great demonstration of the authority of the believer, the ecclesia will arise and rebuke winds of adversity over the state of NJ along with every wave of disease and disaster.
For there is a great calm coming to the State beginning at the shore points and moving inward. A new level of faith for appropriation with voice activated breakthroughs.
Through demonstration, this becomes a hub for the miraculous. As the home of signs, wonders and miracles, the morale of the church will increase and the ecclesia will cleave to that which is good, furnishing the finest hour of the church.
The light of God will shine brightly through the believers with new m e a s u re s o f b o l d n e s s a n d f a i t h a n d l o v e u n f e i g n e d . Accomplishing the hardest of tasks using the keys of faith, unity, bringing forth from the heart, reproducing after their own kind in excellence.
The glory of God is here, the presence and power of God is here. We are enveloped in his love and a gate in heaven is opening with the angelic active and being activated by the words that we sing and speak.
Voice activation unlocks the breakthrough. Voice activation unleashes my power.
Many promises are being fulfilled, promises for protection, preservation, and prosperity. The visions are coming to pass you are receiving on behalf of yourself and others. What was looked into and was afar off, is now.
An apostolic sound has been released. They hear the sound, tone and vibration. This sound produces an atmosphere for miracles.
Love is in the atmosphere for miracles. Unconditional love and mercy abides and dwells in my presence where miracles are received in the spirit and manifested into the natural realm where you will physically experience creative miracles, and miraculous healing. Recovering from ailments at once.
Prophetess Deana Treadwell
Habakkuk 2:14 KJVS [14] For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.
In the days ahead as the worlds trials grow, my glory and anointing will be evident, visible, tangible among my people & throughout the world.
Ive raised up my Ecclesia who are walking in great demonstration, dominion, authority, and glory, and it will be visibly seen throughout all the earth, this glory will be seen and felt across nations and around the world.
My glory & anointing that is resting upon my Ecclesia in this awakening will not look like what was already seen or demonstrated before, I have set aside those who will not allow the enemy to rattle or interrupt this new depth of my glory & anointing, great manifestations that will be done where multitudes will receive miracles and great healings through great faith.
My Glory & my Presence will rest in homes. My Glory will rest & abide in different gatherings, and people will be saved, healed and lives will be transformed. Matthew 24:37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be. Just as I’ve told Noah to prepare, I’ve been telling my people to get ready, get ready! Apostles set the order that will navigate and instruct people in Cities States and Nations to get through the battles & the turmoil and devastations that is coming.
Prophetess Denice Bembery
"It Has Begun"
I have already released a down load from of my unmerited favor on this house . For you shall operate the kingdom, the law of dominion, for you will release those held captive in chains, for a greater unlocking in this region has begun.
For my angels are on assignment with the keys of deliverance. Greater liberty, greater manifestation of God in your presence, upon you, and around you.
You will manifest my intent and my objectives for mankind, no limits because there are no boundaries.
Dominion, principles and Laws are in operation. I have given you even a scientific mindset. You can see how things operate in the unseen, you even have discovered how to unlock in this realm.
In this great awakening My Spirit in My Church will demonstrate the works of My Kingdom. My works will be done and nothing will hinder or stop the move of My Spirit. Great revelation, Great healings, Great demonstrations being done by my people, saints moving to demonstrate. An awakening that will cause all to awake know that I am working through them.
Life as many know it now will change, for large gatherings will interrupt the normal everyday routine and schedules. A great outpouring of my spirit will lead many to my place of habitation. The awe of my presence will submerge many and they will not be able nor willing to move from this place, glory upon glory will fill this place and rest heavy. For I am doing that God thing many have spoken about. Unusual miracles, great healings, such reverence of my spirit that many are in awe.
Prophetess Debra Steeley
"The Convergence of the Miraculous Apostles and Prophets Leading the Way"
The Year 2022 the Apostles and Prophets are leading the way and there is a demonstration and a Convergence of Signs, Wonders, and Special Miracles.
There is a Fireball and it exploded and the particles from it fell everywhere - it is a result of the Convergence of Signs, Wonders, and Special Miracles.
There is a Great Awakening to my power and a demonstration that shuts the mouth of doubt and unbelief.
The Ecclesia has received reinforcement from the Heavenly Host there is a great pushing back and weakening of the assignments that do not bring Glory to My Kingdom.
There is a reformation of Greater Glory, Greater Reverence, Greater Power, Greater Anointing.
The Third and Final Reformation and the Authority of My Kingdom is noted for all to see and experience.
The faithfulness of the true Ecclesia is experiencing my great grace, you are equipped for this time.
Breakthrough is here the Floodgates are open. let’s work the works of my Kingdom that brings Reformation, Transformation, Restoration, Reconciliation into the lives of the people.
Prophetess Floretta Gillette
A great uncovering of the plans from the enemy, even the secret places hidden, even in their thoughts revealing locations and strategies. I’ve even turned up your ability to intercept and stop the very movement of those activities.
For the word of knowledge is in a different level. “Precision Precision” “Hitting The Mark”. Hitting The Mark” of locations, plans and motives.
There is a release of a greater anointing coming from this place, though in the past much has been done, but we have just begun.
Pastor Solomon Steeley
New remember new New day New beginning New liberty New excitement
There is chaos all around but that is what happens when new is introduced. Out with the old - in with the new.
Kingdom speech Kingdom talk Kingdom judgement
So watch what you say and agree to. Remember I am doing something new.
Prophetess Crystal Gibson
“Moving Forward”
Prepare for many changes in 2022. Stay grounded and position
yourself to be launched into another level in your life. Many
voices will be heard throughout this new endeavor, but stand
on my Word, as I am guiding you.
There will be a lot of moving parts and equations that have to
be resolved. Many blockages are happening because of past
emotions that are hidden. This current and coming year brings
breakthroughs, and recognitions, that will bring emotional
My church, I will continue to protect your ministry against any
voices that stand against what I have given you to move my
people forward.
Prophetess Parthenia Dixon
“Our Time, Our Season”
This season, continue to speak and to go forth to continue to walk in a new dimension, a new volume a new plateau into a new atmosphere. It’s going to be very important for you to be who
you are.
Stand strong in confidence, your words mean a lot and hold a lot of weight. Your words change atmospheres and causes things to shift; Cities and nations change.
I have called you to speak, prophesy and to allow the apostolic presence in your life. Demonstrate my power, my might and my force because that is what is needed at this time. God has called us and chosen us this is our time, this is our season.
Our season for us to show forth the demonstration and power of God. These days are here when we speak and give warnings and directives, family and friends are going to pay attention.
There are going to be so many unusual things that are going to happen. For salvation and deliverance to come people need to see my miraculous power. And this is our time and our season to demonstrate it.
Stay ready you have what they need for I have called and chosen you for this time.
Prophetess Crystal Fauntroy
“Keeping the Momentum”
2022 There will be so many ups , downs and turmoil, we have to stand on, and already have as our foundation ….that God is Greater, Stronger, Bigger and All Mighty and all powerful! Our foundation must be Strong. God must be our Rock! This is the year you will see Who is real and authentic and who are just
There is a tenacity, strength, and a boldness that must come from the Ecclesia. No longer can we be children tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine. (Eph.4:14) The Ecclesia must keep its forward motion, there is a force that must come from the Ecclesia and assurance of who we are as we see Psalms 91 happening right before our eyes. There is no time for the Ecclesia to backdown or be afraid. Fear not, I am with you! I am your God! (Is.41:10) I have sustained you, and I have preserved you. There will be unusual miracles seen, creative miracles seen , the dead raised and the sick healed, and this will be the norm for the Ecclesia.
Keeping that forward motion will be important in this Great Awakening, there is a force, a speed that must be kept up. Miracles, healing and deliverance will be happening at an accelerated rate. There will be no need to look back to see if it was ever done before because there will be no records of these unusual miracles.
The ability to be able to hear, obey and cooperate is very important this year. There will be no time to look to the left or the right but to move forward quick with total trust, reliance and obedience, or you will miss it.
Prophetess Tenecia Snype
“Diffusion of God’s Glory”
I hear the word diffusion. I saw what looked like particles released and spread out. There is an evening out of my glory. A spreading out and even distribution of my glory where many have
not expected or believed for in time past.
My glory is disseminated. Believe me for the regions that have been desolate and destitute. My glory goes where Man cannot and my spirit leads. I’ve established regions and gardens for sustaining. I have people waiting for the release of my spoken word so that they, like my angels, can hearken to my word.
Protect what I have given you. Protect my vision and purpose because it tarries. I’ve declared demonstrations for this generation.
Prophetess Nicole Nance
“Year of Demonstration”
The year 2022 is a year of great demonstration. Great demonstration of the power of God being manifested. It will also be a year where the people of God will have to step out in faith in a greater and bolder way. The church will be entering a time like when Moses and Aaron stood before Pharaoh and cast down their rod and it turned into a serpent and Pharaoh’s magicians did the same but the Lord says don’t be afraid or shy away or doubt who you are and the purpose for why I positioned you in that place.
It will be almost like a showdown of who’s power is greater but the Lord has proven time and time again that He has all authority. Trust and don’t doubt in your heart.
2022 will also be a time where the church will be facing a lot of persecution and challenge but the Lord God will be with you. As the church steps out in faith, trust and belief in who they are, I sense the fear of the Lord coming back to the body of Christ, a greater respect and honor for the Lord and the things of God.
2022 will also be a time of a great return. A returning of those that have stepped away from the Lord. The hearts of those that have went a stray are returning back in humility and repentance. It will also be an unlocking of sorts. Destiny’s being unlocked and fulfilled. A time where my the true Apostles and Prophets will arise and exercise authority in the territory that has been given them.
Prophet Joel Fisher