Tuesday, January 2, 2024

 WORD OF THE LORD 2024 - From Dr James & Prophetess Deana Treadwell

Word of the Lord for 2024

In 2024 there are more open doors, and you'll know what they're for, and you'll walk through them more sure.

There are more perspectives never considered.

There are more trips and more journeys, more life within us.

More wisdom to receive and respect the different ways, to apply ancient truths in current days.

More nations, more people, more love from above to be spread out to others as a gift of my love♥ .

You will Accomplish more and more through the open doors, just don't get bored -- appreciate the accolades along with humility. You'll experience increased capabilities, within altruistic activities.

I've equipped you with riches and honor as lights of the world, when you demonstrate my power, you stand a strong tower; In Christ, the secret place of protection, immuned to rejection, but accustomed to resurrection. It's an open door for you to be sent to harvest the fields of the nations, all peoples and kindreds and races. Where you go, you bring wealth, you bring health, the demonic expelled, yet people compelled.

More kingom activity coming your way, casting out pacivity, using productivity.

More growth and expanding that I am demanding, as I have commanded in your Canaan land portion. That flows with milk and honey, 🍯 with abundance of money, to do what I've asked of you to do willingly and with love.

To a world that's dying, you speak Supernatural life! Though Ahead of your time, you're not out of line. Now revisit your gifts 🎁 and this is your spot, don't ever stop, this is your space for this is why you are graced. Master your Gifts from my Spirit, Faith & Belief. It's a showdown of power but you move in love and demonstration not performance. 🎭 -- You won't cower. The stoic religious deny my power, but for you my people this is your finest hour!

Expect more in 2024!

Prophetess Deana Treadwell🌺