Don't get snowed on…
Daniel was such a person who was chosen by God to destroy the avalanches of doctrines of demons and devils. He was chosen to destroy that which created bondage and that which was keeping him back and keeping his people back. (Dan. 9:5) Daniel was one such person and now God is raising up a generation and telling us to get into a place so we won't be snowed on. Not just into a place but to get into a place that we can do something about it. Training so that we can reign, not training so that we can party. Training so that we can rule so that when the community sees the church the community sees the face of Jesus Christ. When your family looks at you they see the face of God by looking into your face and seeing the face of Jesus Christ. But it's not going to occur when you're being snowed on.
Daniel cried out, lifted his voice. This ministry is put here to be a voice. To be a voice on the gate, in the gate positioned around the gate that cries out. To be a voice, church , ministry a rep that is under a different influence; an influence that's going to cause us to look different, talk different and feel different than everyone else. Not because we are judging people not discriminating not because we have a personal preference but because we know the ways and precepts of God. Because we have been influenced by the voice of truth in the midst of the voice of error.
Daniel said, "we have sinned". I'm quite sure his voice sounded different from everyone else's who was saying "we have not sinned", or "what's the big deal" or "what's wrong with it." Daniel's sound was different. Daniel said, "we've committed iniquity." I'm sure he looked different than everyone else who thought differently. He said "we've done and wickedly." Obviously his performance sound different that everybody else's who did didn't have the same judgement.
Those same voices are speaking in abundance today.
"we have not sinned", "don't judge us", "what's wrong with it", "what's the big deal." No matter how intelligent a person may sound, please be aware that unless what they are saying is according to God's precepts and judgements they're not speaking truth. There are many voices stating many facts, but God's word contains truth. In fact, God's word is absolute truth. It is not dependent upon outside circumstances, nor changes for them. It is truth.
Do you have the boldness, courage and tenacity to walk in the realization that you've been bought into the kingdom for such a time as this? The generals are taking the battle to the frontline. They've come out of the strategy room and are taking their positions.
We have not been called to be snowed on. snow represents false teachings, doctrines of devils, watered down gospel to please people, a gospel that allows people to remain in their comfort zones. Jesus didn't allow people to remain in their comfort zones. He challenged, preached on sin, he let you know where you stand with God based on where you stood with him. (if you receive not me, you receive not the father).
Get the impact of this…We impact people by telling them the truth. Letting people see Jesus in us and tell them the truth. Once the impact has happened they will be they will be grateful. Deception is a subtle process lined with spirits of seduction. America needs a Kingdom Impact! The Kingdom of Jesus Christ we're speaking of is impacting the kingdoms this world has set up. You must know how to answer the devils of this age. Let's start with the fact that:
There is nobody else's word that is higher than the word of Jesus Christ! No words weigh more or are above the words of the Holy Bible. There are many truths that we face on a daily basis. The good news is that God's word is "The Truth."