Tuesday, November 10, 2015

"The Miracle of the Few"

Having Your Vision Adjusted

Many people cannot receive provision because of the vision they have.  In II Kings the fourth chapter, there was a woman who cried to the prophet Elisha and said, "the creditor has come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen.”  People often focus on the problem, magnifying what they don't have, or what they only have.  I call this the  "Only Syndrome."

One of the first steps to receiving the provision you need is to check your vision.  Does it need adjusting?  Do you have the right vision?  Is your vision God inspired?

I have listened to many people explain their vision and talk about their plans.  As I’ve evaluated what they’ve said, the Holy Spirit helped me to see that people are not receiving a God inspired vision.  During the time of sharing, they focus a lot on what they don't have.  Many repeat constantly "I don't have anything, except…"  While they are explaining their plan or vision. The words only and except are strongly emphasized.  

Before one can properly receive what God has for them, one must have his vision adjusted to see correctly.  They must see the right vision.   In (v.2), Elisha responds by asking the woman "What hast thou in the House?"

One of the many blessings in having the prophetic ministry near is it's ability to help adjust your vision (what you see), and it’s ability to help you to receive a God inspired vision (what you see).

How to interpret what you see is so very important, as it is directly connected to what you will receive.  "Where there is no vision, the people will perish…" (Prov. 29:18) But where there is a Holy Spirit inspired vision there is provision.  Elisha was taking this woman through the first step of having her vision adjusted.

Where There is Vision There is Provision

How we interpret what we see is very important.  If we don't have the Word of God, and those that He has set in office to help us, we might find ourselves living beneath what God has provided for us.  We may find ourselves with an inability to appropriate God’s promises and what He has specifically promised to us.  In (v.2) of II Kings Chapter 4, the woman replied by saying, "…thine handmaid hath not any thing in the house, save a pot of oil."  Her words tell us how she interpreted what she saw (her vision).    She needed help with interpreting what she saw.  The pot of oil she saw was not interpreted as provision, by her.  The reason she could not see provision was because of her mind set.  The man of God had to help (adjust) her to see (vision).  A good farmer looks at seed and sees multiplication.   After planting the seeds he expects a harvest.  Remember, "where there is vision there is provision".

Borrow Not a Few

“I only have a few…”, “I don't have anything except…”  seems to be the cry of many believers across this nation.  God is waiting to take the “few” that we have and perform a miracle, but the first step is adjusting your vision.  Elisha then gave the directive, “Go…"(v.3), after her vision had been adjusted.  What we may have considered "only a few",  or "nothing at all",  will then be visualized as a way for God to miraculously provide.  We must learn to take what we have and give it to God.  
The next step is to act according to what the Word of God says. (This includes acting according to what those who can hear from God say).  Elisha instructed the woman not to act according the "Only Syndrome," or the "Nothing Except" mind set.  He said, "borrow not a few…" (v.3).  Act according to God's ability to provide.  God can take one, two, or a few and perform a miracle.  We must allow our vision to become adjusted, if necessary.   We must see things as God sees them.  "Where there is a vision there is provision."  What do you have in your house?  Go, and expect from "Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…"(Eph. 3:20).

By Dr. James D. Treadwell, Jr.

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